
The Érsek Éden Truffle gastronomy plantation offers quality truffle programmes for private individuals, as well as for innovative representatives of the tourism, catering and hotel industries.
Truffle food
Truffle in hand
Truffle trained dog
Truffle food

Our farm can be found in Western Hungary, near the foothills of the Alps, on a flood plain of the River Rába. With the repeated flooding of the ancient Rába river, newer and newer layers of soil formed. Since then, the river has taken a new course, leaving behind a fertile flood plain. This type of soil and the micro-climate formed by the nearby rivers ensures an ideal spot for growing truffles. This, combined with strict cultivation processes, perseverance, humility and last but not least, professional supervision, drives our growing family profile.

Our farm is made unique by the fact that after a lengthy research process, we are now cultivating several types of truffles. You can find Summer Truffle [Tuber uncinatum], Smooth Black Truffle [Tuber macrosporum] and Bianchetto Truffle [Tuber borchii] and we are currently experimenting with growing Alba White Truffle, also known as the King of truffles.

However, our company’s main profile is beyond simply selling the truffles we grow.


Would you like to know more about truffles?
Would you like to experience the thrill of searching for truffles with a trained dog?
Maybe you would even like to have a taste of truffles?


During our programme you will gain an insight into the magical world of truffles. After showing you around the plantation, you will be able to enjoy a home-made welcome drink, which, dependent on the weather, may be cooling or warming. Then we will guide you through what you need to know about truffles, how to search, store and use them and you will even get to know different varieties of truffles.

After that you will be invited to join our highly trained dogs for an exciting truffle hunt, and then an experienced chef will be waiting for you in the garden area of the plantation, so the TRUFFLE SHOW may begin. We will be offering quality truffle samples.


There are several species of underground truffles growing in Hungary, six of which have culinary value.
SUMMER TRUFFLE (Tuber aestivum/uncinatum)

Black summer truffles vary in size from a cherry to an apple. The outer skin [peridium] is black, covered with different sized warts. The flesh [gleba] is brown at maturity, marbled with white, meandering veins. Its odor is reminiscent of corn on the cob. They can be found from June onwards, but the most fragrant ones are expected during July or August , up until the first frost. On our plantation it grows near the roots of European oak, small-leaved linden and common hazel.

Garlic truffle
Garlic truffle
Garlic truffle (Tuber macrosporum)

The peridium is black with rusty spots and covered with flattened, tiny warts. It has an unmistakable, intense, roast garlic-like odor. The fruiting period lasts from August to November. Although this variety is relatively unknown amongst other chefs, I regard its gastronomic properties highly and it deserves a place amongst the most valuable truffles. Compared to its rivals, it boasts several advantages; for example, it can be stored for a longer period and it is more resistant to heat. I consider it my mission to make this variety more popular. I am proud to say that it grows in our truffière in symbiosis with European oaks, Austrian oaks and common hazels.


It ripens during spring. The surface is smooth, yellow, often with darker patches. The gleba is darker brown with beautiful, anastomosing veins, a wonderful garnish for any meal. It has a rather strong vegetable, tender-plant like scent. Although it is a small, walnut-plum sized variety, its size can be an advantage when used logically for smaller courses or canapés. Its aroma harmonises perfectly with spring vegetables, such as asparagus, spring onions, wild garlic, radish and the first spring peas. On our plantation it is cultivated with European oaks and common hazels.

WINTER TRUFFLE (Tuber brumale)

A black truffle, the outer skin is often fissured. The inside is dark, marbled with white veins. It is a smaller variety, at its largest it grows to walnut size; however it looks spectacular when cross sectioned. It can be found from October onward, but the main fruiting season is between January and March.
With its fresh, fruity fragrance it is a real treat during the winter months.

Hungarian Honey Truffle
Hungarian Honey Truffle
Hungarian Honey Truffle (Mattirolomyces terfezioides)

A white truffle. Its fruiting period lasts from August to October. Apple-sized pieces are not unusual, but it can even grow to a few hundred grams. It lives in sandy soil near the roots of acacias. Its sweetness gives it a unique taste; it can be widely used in baking. With a little creativity it is possible to make some really elaborate confectionery. Its distinctive aroma pairs well with desserts made of vegetables such as carrots or pumpkin, but it also goes well with chocolate, almond as well as dairy products. It is worth trying it in ice-creams, sorbets or in any other dessert made with mascarpone. The sand truffle gives a new dimension to the simple but nice floating island or to the nowadays so popular macaroon.

WHITE ALBA TRUFFLE (Tuber magnatum)

It has a pale ochre, irregularly shaped surface. When ripe, the flesh is light brown, often reddish brown, marbled with anastomosing veins. It mainly grows under oaks and white poplars, fruiting from October to December. It can be found in Hungary, although it is a very rare species of truffle that grows mainly in Italy and in some parts of Istria. It has a very complex aroma, quite unlike anything else.


It is the most valuable truffle in the world. Record size specimens are auctioned off every year. It is not unusual for the largest ones to reach a price of over a hundred-thousand Euros in one of these global, highly charged auctions, and then to appear in a Hong Kong, Singapore or New York restaurant. The income from these events usually goes to charity.

Craft Production

We at Érsek Éden consider it our mission to produce quality truffle products and to make it available for anyone to take a taster from the Chef’s kitchen. Using any kind of preservatives, artificial additives or other hocus-pocus is incompatible with our philosophy.

During the making of our products the basic requirements are respect for the raw ingredients, humility and the use of only carefully selected, hand-picked ingredients. The Érsek Éden truffle products were born from this philosophy.


Érsek Éden szarvasgombás gasztro birtok, Rábakecöl
Levelezési cím: Érsek Gergely, 9641 Rábapaty, Bogyoszlói utca 29.

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